Friday, January 11, 2008

The aim being love from a pure heart.

The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. - 1 Tim 1:5

I was reading through 1 Timothy (obviously) and came across this verse, which stuck out to me. I love verses which specify purpose. The charge Paul is writing about is found in the two verses preceeding this one. The charge is centered on teaching doctrine. I find it interesting that Paul would define the purpose of his charge to teach good doctrine as love flowing from a pure heart, good conscience and sincere faith.

I think this illustrates how many modern (and post-modern) theologians and thinkers have misstepped in their exploration of the Bible: they have misplaced the reality of the gospel with much controversy and miscellaneous debate (1 Tim 6:4).

But Paul's perspective on what it means to teach is this: to cultivate pure hearts, good consciences and sincere faith from which true love can issue. Good, biblical doctrine helps all these flourish. And that is why congregations need to be taught the basics of Theology Proper (the doctrine of God), Soteriology (the Doctrine of Salvation), Christology (the Doctrine of Christ) and the others. Church members don't need five steps to following Christ - if you help them to see who Christ really is, they will follow him!

The depressed man doesn't need seven steps to a healthy outlook on life. He needs to understand the Doctrine of Creation - how it was God who created him; and then he needs the Doctrine of Sin, which will illustrate the depraved state he is in...and finally he needs the doctrine of Salvation to show how much God loved him and that God does have a purpose for him, as well as the Doctrine of Last Things (Eschatology) to show him the Hope that is to come.

This is what is wrong in so many churches across the United States as well as around the world. The Bible is not being taught, but used as a basis for self-help. The scripture should permeate the entire service, and it relevance and importance should be be continually emphasized, explained and illustrated.

And that is how we can carry out Paul's charge to Timothy, to build up a people who have love issuing from pure hearts, good consciences and sincere faith.